has named Calgary as 2013's Best City in terms of weather, employment rate, housing prices, property tax, and other factors. It isn't surprising at all if a lot of people start moving near or even in the City. If you are having trouble picking out the house you want, then read on and the following tips might be helpful:

  • The Neighborhood – Aside from choosing the house itself, you need to find a good neighborhood. Find out if the community has local markets, ease of access to public transport, schools, and other things you might need. Some of the neighborhoods that have been acknowledged recently as good places to live in Calgary include Arbour Lake, Acadia, and Varsity.

  • Closer or Farther from the Center? - Like other cities, homes near downtown are more expensive because of the location advantage. If you don't mind the commute, then a home located a bit far off the city center can be cheaper.

  • The Quadrants – Calgary is subdivided into different quadrants (Southwest, Northwest, Southeast, and Northeast), and each has their own advantages. For example, Northeast is closer to the airport while the Southeast is closer to commercial and industrial areas.

You can check several resources online to guide you in finding a new home. Research is important when buying a home, so be sure to read about the surroundings of your prospective house before you sign any contract.

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